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7 Steps to Becoming a Highly Successful Person

Let me give you a clear outline on how to become a highly successful person.

Recently, I was inspired to write this after a 20-something year old student came to me with her story. She was $200,000 in debt and described her situation:

“There’s no way I can breathe! With all this debt, I don’t know what to do. People told me that I would be able to secure a stable job. However, half of my paycheck goes to my debt repayment. What should I do?”

Of course, I’ve overcome a similar situation, so let me share these 7 Steps to Becoming a Highly Successful Person:

1. Don’t Panic: It’s easy to look on the internet and see a wildly successful person. You might think, “How can they buy a million-dollar house and a Rolls Royce?” These thoughts might naturally force you into feeling jealous, insecure, and inadequate. Either way, don’t panic.

Some people might automatically think, “What did I do wrong?” However, it’s not about where you are right now, but where you want to be. Instead of getting jealous, get inspired and ask yourself, “What can I do to make dramatic changes in my life right now?”

Worrying is the greatest waste of imagination. –Daniel Ally

2. Figure It Out: Take a deep breath and make a list of the three biggest changes that you need to make. Once you get serious on the changes you need to make, your mind will help you move into proper action. Make a list on paper and start with the obvious obstacles first.

Here’s an example: I found myself stuttering and not being about to articulate my plans to the people around me. I decided to do three things: read the dictionary for 10 minutes per day, give one speech per week, and recite my goals on a daily basis. It changed my life and helped me get on the path to success.

A successful person turns obstacles into opportunities. –Daniel Ally

3. Make Observations: Once you figure out what you want and how you plan to get there, begin to make observations. Notice the people, places, and things around you. Do you like what you see or does it bother you? Take notes on your thoughts and feelings about it in your journal.

I remember the days when I worked as a suit salesman. I would study the trends of the people I served. I noted what they bought, what industries they were in, how much money they were making, etc. Most of all, I learned that 6-figures couldn’t get me the lifestyle that I wanted, so I began my search for millionaire mentors!

If you see what others can’t see, you’ll be able to go where others can’t go!

- Daniel Ally

4. Create a Plan: One year, I decided to create a solid plan of achievement. I wrote the following on a notecard: Give 200 speeches, read 100 books, and attend 12 conferences. That was my business plan and I accomplished it. I even did more than I planned to do. It was part of my purpose in life and achieving these goals were inevitable.

What are three major goals that you can pursue within the next twelve months? Be sure to quantify the goal and have at least on person hold you accountable to reaching your targets. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just write your goals on a note card every day and make it happen!

Be the person you needed when you were younger. –Daniel Ally

5. Resolve to Make Changes: This particular woman described earlier told me that it was tough to grow up with a single mother. I asked her, “Do you think it was ideal for your parents create this situation for you?” She quickly resolved to raise her future children responsibly after our conversation.

There are many changes you can make. Growing up, I remember getting beaten up badly every day. I envisioned myself becoming physically invincible. I began to work obsessively on my body. I currently bench press over 400 pounds. In the last dozen years, no one has tried to put up a fight with me!

One change a day can keep the doctor away. –Daniel Ally

6. Be Patient: When I was a teenager, I took long bike rides to get inspired by the big houses in other neighborhoods. I would look at a house and say, “One day I’ll get a house like that.” Today, my house is wayyyyyy better than what I formerly dreamed of.

It doesn’t take long for your goals to materialize. You just need to be persistent and remain focused. Once you set your mind to the goals you’ve created for yourself, your faith will be coupled with proper action to manifest your desired results.

The best is yet to come. –Daniel Ally

7. Live Your Dream: Taking action is the key to your success. Go out there are conquer all of the goals that you’ve set for yourself. Give back to others in an enormous way and celebrate often. Naysayers and haters will come along your path, but they only exist to help you install new ways of thinking and operating.

Make the proper corrections during your journey and take feedback with an open mind. Don’t let pride and ego prevent you from getting the help you need. Also, understand the vital role that money plays in your life. Furthermore, don’t let money be the main goal in everything you do, lest you miss major opportunities.

Tenacity builds proficiency. –Daniel Ally


These are the 7 steps that you can take to become massively successful. Read it over again and share it with a friend. When you make it, let me know and we can celebrate together. I look forward to watching you reach your biggest dreams!

Daniel Ally

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